When the flowers come home, basic care
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When the flowers come home, basic care

Tips for the care of flowers where you can keep your flowers flowers for longer

Cut flowers must always be put in clean water and renew it every time it gets dirty. As. Put in water, the flowers are able to sustain themselves from the oxygen that is dissolved in the water and that they absorb through the stem.

Putting an aspirin dissolved in the water also helps its conservation, although You can also incorporate special gardening products that serve to kill bacteria that can grow in the water and accelerate flower rot. Likewise, we cannot forget to remove the remains of withered flowers or past leaves, since when they fall into the water they can rot and activate the process of decomposition of the flower.

Another fundamental factor is the vase: whatever Whatever the container, it must have enough water for all the flowers and that the light reaches each one well. That is, the number of flowers must be proportional to the volume of the vase, without crowding the specimens.

The stems should be cut crosswise to about 2 or 3 cm. from the bottom of the stem, it is important that it be with a sharp and smooth element.

Finally, we must not forget that it is very important to take into account the room where we will place the flowers. Dry environments, with drafts or where the sun hits the flowers directly contribute to drying out the tissues earlier and aging more quickly.

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